
NEWS Mailing List

INFO This mailing list informs you about all Haage&Partner NEWS e.g. all about new products, updates, patches and new add-ons ...
How to subscribe Requests to join the list may be sent to
with the command "subscribe news-list" in the body of the message - not in the subject (!).

Please check your return address and "reply-to", because we are getting a lot of requests with wrong e-mail addresses. This causes us a lot of trouble and you will never get any mail. If you want to subscribe to another e-mail address than the on that is your return address or "reply-to", then please use the syntax:

subscribe news-list myname@whatever.com"

in the
body of the message - not in the subject and replace myname@... by your e-mail address. Thanks for your attention!
How to unsubscribe Requests to unsubscribe the list may be sent to
with the command "unsubscribe news-list" in the body of the message - not in the subject (!).

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